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October Puppy Update

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October Puppy Update

October 13, 2022

 Good morning. An update from the Shirk household at Thomas Ridge Kennels. We are enjoying some lovely fall weather. Just perfect for all the last fall work to be completed.

We are excited to announce several upcoming litters. We can’t wait to see how they look and spoil them. One of the cavaliers we bred is Ruby and Lollipop. Also, a new one, Kassie. She is a tiny red-white and I guess, spoiled like the rest. Bandet is to be the daddy. Now only to see if they actually got pregnant. We hope so!

We also bred two bernadoodles, a Weeping Acre’s Willow, and a Summer Hunter. Both of which go by the name of Willow and Summer. We used a different male and hoped to get pictures of him and their information.

You all take care and have a safe and happy fall and winter! 

~ Thomas Ridge Kennels